my young Pianist Imre Vadaß

Imre Vádaß studied piano since he was 9 years old with me. Later he started to accompany me for singing and our first concert took place in 2009. PianoSoprano is the name of our Duo. Our repertoire is a mixture from piano solo pieces - Bach, Beethoven, Mozart, Brahms, Chopin and Scott Joplin - together with my beloved Belcanto arias. In my teachings I used a special body oriented method to teach him and NLP processes for the  emotional  side because he was diagnosed with Asperger in his early childhood. Piano playing helped Imre to develop his personality in a natural way and today nobody would believe that he ever had autistic tendencies.


Imre Vadaß with Johann Sebastian Bach - from the Welltempered Clavier

Prelude No. 17 WTC I from J.S. Bach

Belcanto in Theorie und Praxis
Dr. Karin Wettig

    Belcanto Bodybalance Beauty
    Dr. A.S.K. Wettig
    München - Munich

    Questions are welcome!  

"Singing like Callas & Caruso"

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