Theta Healing & Coaching - geistige Heilung

Thetawaves - more Energy more Transparence - immediate Transformations

Theta Healing nach Vianna Stibal
Dr. Karin Wettig

IN general I use a combination of energy healing, matrix, hypnosis and Access Consciousness with the Bars, 32 points at the head. All together is a wonderful experience....

By Theta Healing like it is taught by Vianna Stibal illnesses can disappear within moments or over a longer period completely and problems can be solved without effort. The Theta Healing procedure can by learnt by everyone and it is not needed to have faith or to be especially religious to be able to do or receive it. The X-Factor that works here is simply "Divine Intuition".

A Theta Healer is not a healer or healing practitioner or a doctor. He simply is a translator for divine energy and moves obstacles out of the way. So the healing can take place naturally without effort. Theta Healers are no medical personnel and the legislation for medical persons cannot be applied to them. Therefore everyone who works with a Theta Healer has to be in good hands of a doctor for his medical issues.


One Session normally takes 1.5 to 2 hours and costs 150 Euro. Persons who cannot afford to pay can just give what they can or exchange points from Tauschring in Germany. Before you give up on all help and perspectives it is worth while to try.

Special prices can be found under my German page "Gutschein- Schnäppchen" Just take a look. The prices are awesome....



Belcanto in Theorie und Praxis
Dr. Karin Wettig

    Belcanto Bodybalance Beauty
    Dr. A.S.K. Wettig
    München - Munich

    Questions are welcome!  

"Singing like Callas & Caruso"

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