Belcanto in Theorie & Praxis - Handbuch

Buch zum Stimmkurs - Singen wie Callas und Caruso - Körper, Atem, Stimme
Belcanto in Theorie und Praxis, Handbuch für Gesang

Belcanto in Theorie und Praxis - Handbuch für Gesang & Bühne,


Dr. Karin Wettig   300 Seiten, 40  farbige Abb., Versand kostenlos


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Belcanto in Theorie und Praxis, Handbuch für Gesang und Bühne
55,00 €
In den Warenkorb
  • 3 - 5 Tage Lieferzeit1

Short Review from an American Professor for Belcanto Technique about the English version - Singing like Callas and Caruso...

I recently had the enjoyable experience of reading Dr. Karin Wettig's newly-published book on the art of singing and I am astounded at the amount of usable content found within.  She covers every angle involved in training the classical voice:  from the historical roots of classical and early operatic singing, to a thorough study (with diagrams) of the physiology of the human voice, to exacting vocal exercises and healthy singing techniques, and to daily training in the art of the Bel Canto method of singing.  This book contains, simply said, everything that is needed to either guide the well-trained voice teacher or any aspiring student of singing.  Although the book has obviously been designed with the classically-trained voice student in mind, it is an equally valuable source for all persons wishing to achieve the development of a healthy vocal production.  Rock singers are not born singing the way they do and if they wish to prolong their careers, this would be a good book for them to study, too.  This book should be required reading for all kinds of singers and incorporated into the music department libraries of all American and European universities!

Professor David H. Bezona, Cincinnati, Ohio  2013

Belcanto in Theorie und Praxis
Dr. Karin Wettig

    Belcanto Bodybalance Beauty
    Dr. A.S.K. Wettig
    München - Munich

    Questions are welcome!  

"Singing like Callas & Caruso"

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