Singing like Callas and Caruso - on Amazon

Singing like Callas & Caruso - English version for Europe

  • “Every weakness hides a talent!“ is Karin Wettig’s personal guiding principle (slogan). After her divorce she noticed that her speaking voice had broken instead of her heart. That caused her to leave behind her not only her marriage and her home, but also her career, her friends and all customers of her colour and style studio. She changed to Munich, started a new life in Munich. Looking how to find back to her normal voice the adventure from a lost speaking voice to her coloratura soprano began. A voice therapy was useless, so she decided to sing. Starting out with Mozart Arias, the passion for opera caught her. Inspite of all negative judgements about her broken voice, rivalries in choirs and disillusioning voice trainers and opera teachers, she decided to leave all traditional ways of voice training to study her personal voice idols Maria Callas and the great divas of the time of Caruso like Luisa Tetrazzini, Rosa Ponselle or Adelina Patti just by modelling them. She passed nights for her voice training alone in dark churches on the way to her authentic voice. Under the fascination of Belcanto repertoire from Farinelli to Bellini, Rossini, Mozart and Verdi her musical heart made her dive deeply into the vocal practice of the Italian school, while her musicological brain made her research the theory behind this practice. DVDs, films, videos on youtube, biographies, treatises and her diligent exploration of her personal body and voice functions with the help of Alexandertechnique, Rolfing and Cantieni-Training did not only bring back her lost speaking voice but made her discover her authentic coloratura soprano with over 3 octaves. Self-awareness and intuition gave me the clue to my personal authentic voice. Even if I am not a famous opera star, I feel deeply grateful about this gift and I like to share my insights and my personal training here with the rest of the world to encourage all singers of all styles to never give up when they feel disillusioned. There is always a way to find the songs of your soul.
  • Maria Callas: This book honours the voice and charisma of the famous opera singer Maria Callas in a very personal form as the author studied her videos and formed her own singing voice through her insights about the singing technique of Maria Callas and some other famous opera singers of former times.
  • Ann Reynolds: Ann Reynolds is a British Opera Singer and Pianist and was married to Jean Cox, the late Wagnerian Tenor. She became famous as a vocal coach and singing teacher with the Italian Belcanto method as she studied at Rome for seven years. Her masterclass gave Dr. Karin Wettig many insights about Italian Belcanto and the singing technique and inspired her to write her first book in German: Saenger ABC - Belcanto, singen kann doch jeder. A short interview with Ann Reynolds is part of this book.

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"Singen wie Callas und Caruso" ist im Buchhandel & als EBook für Kindle erhältlich.


Belcanto in Theorie und Praxis
Dr. Karin Wettig

    Belcanto Bodybalance Beauty
    Dr. A.S.K. Wettig
    München - Munich

    Questions are welcome!  

"Singing like Callas & Caruso"

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